Our Commitment

We at Marand recognize the value and importance of diverse suppliers and vendors because we just so happen to be a minority-owned company ourselves. Our workforce is over 50% diverse, including both women and minority individuals. Marand Builders is a certified MBE (Minority Business Enterprise) by the National Minority Supplier Development Council and a Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) by the state of North Carolina.

Our Supplier
Diversity Goal Is: 30arrow.jpg

We enjoy giving our partners their “first opportunity” as we understand the significance firsthand. We are in continuous contact with local contractor professional organizations and various MBE organizations to meet new vendors in each market to maintain our goals. Our approach to supplier diversity is to help train, mentor, and provide qualified and certified suppliers with growth opportunities. As these diverse trade partners grow, the industry grows.

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Trade Partner Success Story

We are proud of our Trade Partner engagement throughout the years. We have specific success stories with diverse companies who are now our most trusted trade partners. Contact us to find out more.



One of our core values is open-mindedness,. We encourage forward thinking and collaboration from everyone at Marand. We support the inclusion of all people and firmly believe that our qualified, diverse employees and partners help us exceed the goals of our clients.

We invite you to learn more about our culture and community initiatives on the “community” page of our website.